Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day One...

Our mission is to disperse pool balls that have inspiring quotes on them randomly around Minnesota to inspire people with random acts of kindness.

The day began with a light picnic at Minnehaha Park. It was such a gorgeous day.

We were finally able to get together for our first RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) meeting. We started brainstorming fantastic inspiring quotes over Oreos and Lemonade. :) After we had come up with some quotes and wrote some of them on balls, Sarah came up with a brilliant plan to disperse 4 of them in the park. So we did. Here are the ones we scattered around today.

"Have a super great day!"
by Holly

Picked up by someone June 29th, 2008.
If you picked up this pool ball we would love to hear from you!

"Smile it's a beautiful day!
♥ Life's Cues"
by Jenna

"Have you smiled at a stranger today?"
by Chelsey

"Every thing is going to be all right."
by Sarah

I wish we would have gotten a picture of someone looking at this pool ball. I can testify that someone did when we were there. We just weren't fast enough with our cameras.